How do you turn excess heat from data centres into profit? And how do you optimize the collaboration between data centres and utilities?
At the webinar you will learn:
• What is the business case and how to make a sustainable financial model?
• How do you optimize the collaboration between data centres and utilities?
• Case: Meta – Learnings from Ramboll’s design one of the world’s largest data centre heat extraction solutions
There will also be a panel discussion with questions from listeners (30 min)
There is considerable pressure on data centers from politicians and citizens to turn their residual heat into district heating in a new energy world where data centres will soon consume 14 percent of total electricity consumption. But is heat extraction an golden egg for data centres or a black hole?
The Danish Data Center Industry and Ramboll will guide you through the webinar.
• Henrik Hansen, CEO, Danish Data Center Industry
• Anna Ekdahl, Business Manager, Energy Transition, Rambøll
• Jesper Koch, Director, Dansk Fjernvarme
• Anders Frich Mathiesen, Datacenter Operations Director, GlobalConnect
Register for the webinar here
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Erik Ejegodsvej 16
8800 Viborg
Tel: +45 7825 5151
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