Danish Data Center Industry Awards to celebrate outstanding achievements from the regional industry

Merima Dzanic • March 27, 2023


The Danish Data Center Industry Awards is set to take place on 22 May 2023 at the Marriott hotel in Copenhagen. 

Taking place on the evening of the annual conference Data Centers Denmark, the Awards will once again celebrate outstanding achievements from the regional data center industry in Denmark.

The engineering and architecture consultancy, COWI, is the lead sponsor of the awards ceremony, along with category sponsors ABB, Danfoss, DataCenterGruppen, Coromatic and Huawei.

The categories for the 2023 award show includes: Sustainable Data Center Project, Tech Innovation, Construction Team, Young Talent, Contribution to Society and the DDI Dedication Award.


“With an increasingly connected world on the horizon and the digital transformation propelling to new heights, it is pleasing to experience how Denmark has kept step with the global data center industry in the past year. Denmark, together with our Nordic neighbours, is at the forefront of sustainability and the leading hub for green data centers in Europe. We are therefore excited to support this evening, highlighting those areas where we set ourselves apart as a country”, says Rasmus Brandt, Associate Project Director at COWI and the Vice Chairman of the Board at DDI.

The deadline for submitting an entry is 12 April 2023.


Sustainable data center project

This award, supported by Danfoss, focuses on the industry's journey towards a climate-positive future, recognizing the world’s most energy-aware and innovative approaches to data center design, build and operations.

Technology innovation

Supported by DataCenterGruppen, this award focuses on recognizing cutting-edge technology innovations and solutions across the entire data center stack.

Construction team

This award, supported by Coromatic, recognizes teams who have showed commitment to delivering data center construction projects in a manner where all expectations were exceeded.

Young talent

The young talent award sponsored by ABB, celebrates young aspiring talents who are contributing to the industry across the entire data center stack.

Contribution to society

Sponsored by Huawei, this award focuses on the contributions data center investors have made to their communities in which they are part of, both on a local and national level.



More information


For more information on Danish Data Center Industry Awards, please visit: www.ddiawards.net

For more information on the Data Centers Denmark event, please visit: www.datacentersdenmark.com


For any other enquiries, please contact Merima Dzanic on +45 20 15 50 21 or merima@datacenterindustrien.dk

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