By Fredericia Maskinmesterskole
It is with immense pleasure that FMS hereby invites the industry to the formal inauguration of a small-scale data centre to which the industry has contributed to. Thanks to the immense support, FMS students will be able to gain a unique insight into data centre operation.
They will get hands-on experience that is otherwise impossible to obtain during training.
Building a data centre for educational purposes in close cooperation with the industry is as of yet something unparalleled in Denmark.
FMS is proud to take this step and put ourselves on the map as providers of skilled workers for the data centre industry.
The inauguration will take place at FMS August 26 at 2 pm – on the top floor of Building A (entry through the main entrance) When the ribbon has been cut, light refreshments will be served.
N.B: For planning purposes as well as COVID-19 restrictions we ask that you please inform us of your participation no later than august 20.
Please send an email to our marketing and communications manager, Dorthe F. Hansen, at in which you state the number of participants
Contact us
Erik Ejegodsvej 16
8800 Viborg
Tel: +45 7825 5151
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