The technology company Asetek now sends the company’s surplus heat directly into the district heating network.
Read the original article from TV2Nord here:
There is a lot of potential in the surplus heat data centers generate. That is one of the first experiences gained from a mini project, which have started in Aalborg. The DDI member, Asetek, has been able to connect its water-cooled servers from its data center to Aalborg’s district hearting network. This means that the surplus heat is passed directly from servers to consumers.
The project has received a great deal of attention, as it has the potential of being a full year-round heating of all households in Aarhus, Aalborg and Odense.
– It is crucial that we in Denmark include the future data centers in the green transition in an energy efficient way. Utilization of waste heat from the data centers to district heating is very central, and in this connection Asetek’s technology is particularly interesting, says Henrik Lund, professor of energy planning at Aalborg University, who researches the collaboration between district heating networks and data centers.
He sees great perspectives on the project in Aalborg.
– I would call it an international breakthrough that demonstrates how a water-cooled server can be connected directly to a district heating supply. A wider spread of this and similar energy-efficient technologies requires collaboration between the data center and district heating industries. As a university, we would like to take this lead,”says Henrik Lund.
Cowi, together with pipe manufacturer Logstor, has designed the plant, where the heat from Asetek’s server room is connected directly to the city’s district heating network outside the street.
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