DDI launches Danish Data Center Industry Ecosystem Guide

Merima Dzanic • August 13, 2020


Denmark has a robust and growing ecosystem that revolves around the domestic data center industry. To get a clear and concise overview of all services, products and expertises that this ecosystem has to offer, the Danish Data Center Industry (DDI) has published a ‘Ecosystem Guide 2020’.

Denmark is a relatively new, but rapidly evolving data center hub in the Nordics. In recent years, Denmark has seen notable IT investments from international and domestic investors, expanding the Danish digital infrastructure landscape. These developments have contributed to the continuous growth of the regional data center ecosystem. The Danish data center industry is a fast-growing sector in Denmark, which has spurred on a thriving ecosystem of high-quality suppliers. These include suppliers that assist data center operators in the initial financing, planning, design and build phase.

Suppliers delivering infrastructure and architecture products and services (power, cooling, cabling, connectivity) to assist with the setup of the data center. And when the data center is fully operational, suppliers that assist data centers in running their data center from maintenance and cleaning services to legal and security services.

In this comprehensive Danish data center ecosystem guide, we highlight almost 70 companies that are members of the Danish Data Center Industry. We are delighted to present the leading suppliers of technology and services to the data center industry in Denmark. With this eGuide, DDI seeks to provide an overview which will help organisations make informed decisions, whether you are looking to invest, build, operate or expand your services in the Danish data center market.



1. Design & Construction
I Investment, Promotion Agencies, Municipalities
II Site Due Diligence, Design, Engineering, Construction

2. Build & Operate
I Technical Infrastructure & Architecture

3. Data Center Operators
I Colocation, cloud, enterprise

4. Education/Consulting
I Education, Legal, Advisory, Business Network


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Head of Strategy & Operations

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