Data Centers Denmark Postponed until 2021

Merima Dzanic • August 10, 2020


After close consultation with our partners in the data center industry, DDI and UNEP-DTU Partnership have made the difficult decision to altogether postpone the 2020 edition of the Data Centers Denmark  conference to 2021. Currently, we have two dates on hold in March and May, which will be released by the end of September 2020.

In 2019, the conference gathered 13 different nations at the UN City in Copenhagen. Whilst the COVID situation is improving in some parts of the world, there is still a great deal of uncertainty with international travel, and many companies have decided to put a hold on international travel for the rest of the year. We have therefore decided to postpone the event to 2021, where we are committed to host both our regional and international guests in Copenhagen next year.

Having spent the past year preparing for the conference with our advisors, speakers and event partners, we’re genuinely upset and disappointed not to be able to host you at this time. However, we are fully committed to the safety of our community as well as following official government guidelines during these challenging times.

We want to thank all our partners for their support, open discussions, and encouragement. We very much look forward to hosting the Data Centers Denmark conference at the UN City in Copenhagen next year.


Event registration:

All event registration will automatically be applied to the rescheduled event unless a refund is requested. The latest information will always be available at For any further enquiries, please contact

Further information on the programme, and any new developments, will be communicated accordingly.

We look forward to hosting you in 2021. Until then, stay safe and healthy!

DDI & UNEP-DTU Partnership


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Merima Dzanic

Head of Strategy & Operations

Kurt Henriksen

Advisor, Communications and Public Relations

Christine Kjær Jacobsen

Marketing & Communication Manager

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