Working Track: Public Affairs & Regulatory Frameworks


Regulatory frameworks are increasingly becoming more relevant to data center operators both at a national and EU level. With the implementation of the European Energy Directive, and a national proposal on heat reuse price cap, DDI works on keeping a track on the latest developments, by collaborating closely with regional and European legislators.

Furthermore, DDI will work on bringing more awareness to the data center industry to the wider public. 


  • Influence public policy and regulatory frameworks
  • Build and maintain a strong reputation and find common ground stakeholders inside and outside the industry
  • Bring awarness to the data center industry in local communities and on a national level


For more information please contact:

Henrik Hansen, Managing Director

Danish Data Center Industry 

Track activities for 2025

Activity 1: Ongoing tracking of EED development on national and EU level

Activity 2: EUDCA - EED label scheme

Activity 3: Data center operator group

Activity 4: Policy input

Activity 5: Events - Nordic Data Center Week, DataCloud Energy & ESG Europe, Folkemødet

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