Working Track: Public Affairs & Regulatory Frameworks
Regulatory frameworks are increasingly becoming more relevant to data center operators both at a national and EU level. With the implementation of the European Energy Directive, and a national proposal on heat reuse price cap, DDI works on keeping a track on the latest developments, by collaborating closely with regional and European legislators.
Furthermore, DDI will work on bringing more awareness to the data center industry to the wider public.
For more information please contact:
Henrik Hansen, Managing Director
Danish Data Center Industry
Track activities for 2025
Activity 1: Ongoing tracking of EED development on national and EU level
Activity 2: EUDCA - EED label scheme
Activity 3: Data center operator group
Activity 4: Policy input
Activity 5: Events - Nordic Data Center Week, DataCloud Energy & ESG Europe, Folkemødet
Contact us!
Interested in learning more about the activities and how to contribute, or do you have a project or idea?
Get in touch with
Erik Ejegodsvej 16
8800 Viborg
Tel: +45 7825 5151
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