DigiPlex expands data center footprint in Denmark with major campus

Merima Dzanic • February 22, 2021


22. februar 2021 af Merima Dzanic

The Norwegian colocation operator DigiPlex has acquired a plot of 110,00m2 land to construct five data centers for a major new campus site in Høje Taastrup municipality, west of Copenhagen area.

The site will feature waste heat recovery technology to feed into the existing district heating system as part of a significant environmental sustainability commitment.

DigiPlex has secured a guaranteed enough electricity supply for the first phase, with an option to increase this to as much as 100MW as the campus grows. Five water-cooled data centers are planned with the majority of water requirements met by onsite wells and rainwater. This is in-line with DigiPlex’ commitment to reduce demand on mains water supplies. As part of the agreement DigiPlex will build a lake to collect rainwater for use in cooling as well as contribute to a storm-water basin to benefit the local community. Two cycle tracks and upgrades and extension to local roads will also be delivered as part of the development.

“We are seeing huge interest in sustainable data center development in the Nordic region and continue to invest to capitalize on this trend. The acquisition of this major plot, plus the Norwegian land acquisition we announced last month, further strengthens DigiPlex ability to rapidly meet the need for data center capacity from hyperscalers as well as local and international businesses requiring ultra-sustainable, cost effective colocation facilities,”  stated  Wiljar Nesse, CEO of DigiPlex in recently released press release. .  

“Through close collaboration with all parties we already have power agreements, access to water, and all necessary building regulation approvals in place. We are ready to start campus construction and are already in discussion with a number of potential international customers.”

DigiPlex acquired Telias old data center in Copenhagen in 2018, and has been planning for a green field data center in Denmark for a few years now.

“Data centers are crucial for the digitization and the green transition of our society. We are therefore delighted that DigiPlex is expanding their data center footprint in Denmark. DigiPlex is a renowned Nordic colocation provider, which has sustainability at the forefront of everything that they do. Their expansion is a significant development for not only the Høje Taastrup municipality, but also the broader data center industry in Denmark”, says Henrik Hansen, CEO of the Danish Data Center Industry.

DigiPlex has a total of seven data centers  in the Nordic region, and opened new centers at  Fetsund  and  Hobøl  last year. An additional center is under construction at Fetsund and  100,000sqm of land  has been purchased for an additional campus outside Olso at Treklyngen industrial park in Ringerike.

Read full press release here.


Elisabeth Lennhede , Head of Communications DigiPlex, 

Danish Data Center Industry
Merima Dzanic, Chief Operating Officer, Danish Data Center Industry  

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