Merima Dzanic • March 28, 2019


Danish Data Center Industry, in collaboration with the  UNEP-DTU Partnership ,  will be hosting the international conference Data Centers Denmark , taking place on  15 May 2019 at the  UN City in Copenhagen , with a key focus on tackling the IT infrastructure energy challenges.

As the data center industry experiences rapid growth and consumes a vast amount of power, governments, infrastructure operators and technology giants increasingly recognize the need for smart energy usage from both a commercial and public perspective.

Danish Data Center Industry (DDI) and UNEP-DTU Partnership are hosting a sustainability event at the UN City in Copenhagen, bringing together industry professionals along with energy infrastructure experts, policy makers and regulators, to collectively tackle the rapidly escalating energy usage of data centers.

“Currently, the world’s data centres consumes about 3% of global electricity, and by 2025 up to 20% of all electricity in the world is expected to be used in connection to the datacenter industry. This economic and environmental impact requires both the industry and policymakers around the world to focus on developing energy efficient data centers as part of a sustainable landscape,” says Gabriela Dias, Head of Strategy at UNEP-DTU Partnership.

“With sustainability being the core pillar of the event, we are delighted to welcome industry stakeholders at the UN City in Copenhagen to discuss how energy efficient data centers can be a part of the solution to a sustainable future,” she adds.

The event will also be supported by Invest in Denmark, the official investment promotion agency within the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.“The Nordics are at the forefront of sustainability, which is why we see a growing density of hyperscale campuses in the region. Denmark has one of the most reliable power grids in Europe, green power supply, and top notch fibre connectivity to Central Europe and the US, making it a top destination for hyperscale and colocation investments”, says Steen Hommel, Director at Invest in Denmark.

“We are delighted to support this event together with the Danish Data Center Industry and UNEP-DTU Partnership, where we will welcome executives to the city of Copenhagen, and highlight the various opportunities and innovations within sustainability in Denmark,” adds Hommel.

The event will be attended by major industry stakeholder such as Facebook, European Commission, Uptime Institute, Google, Danske Bank, Equinix, GlobalConnect A/S, DigiPlex, Interxion and many more regional and international stakeholders.

Register for the event

If you are interested in joining the event, you can register  here


The Danish Data Center Industry (DDI) is the industry body representing the Danish data center ecosystem and was born out of the want to make it easier for operators to do business with Denmark. To date, both the private and the public sector in Denmark have very well received DDI with an ever-growing member community.

ABOUT UNEP-DTU Partnership

UNEP DTU Partnership is a leading international research and advisory institution on energy, climate and sustainable development. The partnership conducts in-depth research, policy analysis, and capacity building activities, to assist developing countries in their efforts to progress towards a climate resilient low carbon future.
UNEP DTU Partnerships Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency is the thematic hub for energy efficiency under the SEforALL Initiative with prime responsibility to support action towards doubling the rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030.

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