Apple to expand Viborg data center and utilize excess heat

Merima Dzanic • March 25, 2022


Apple is planning to expand and connect its Viborg data center in Denmark to a district heating system for heat reuse.

As part of a wider announcement relating to the company's sustainability initiatives, Apple confirmed that it will grow operations at its existing Viborg data center. The Viborg data center will also collect excess heat energy for use in the surrounding city.

“Over the next year, Apple will expand the Viborg data center’s operations and build new infrastructure to capture excess heat energy for the city’s long-term benefit,” the company said earlier this week.

Apple completed work on the Viborg facility in 2019. The data center already uses the world's largest onshore wind turbines as its power source with all surplus energy being fuelled back into the Danish power grid.

Since 2016, Apple has issued three Green Bonds worth up to $4.7 billion to accelerate progress toward the company’s goal to become carbon neutral across its supply chain by 2030. Apple continues to use its Green Bonds, which are among the largest in the private sector, to develop new sources of renewable energy. More than $500 million of the company’s 2019 Green Bond proceeds have been allocated to clean energy projects, including the onshore wind turbines in Denmark.

Read the full story here.

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